Sunday, December 31, 2023


 By Jacob Waiswa Buganga

IMI Recreation and Wellness Facility

Poetherapy is latest innovation to healing psychological disorders such as anxiety, stress, and depression-based disorders, through giving a chance a chance to strugglers with such disorders to write down, rehearse and share their stories before a supportive audience that provide attentive and listening ear with whole interest; and for experienced poets to share experiential and evidenced experiences of other strugglers to awaken souls and flattened emotions to get aroused and be directed to present experiences of reality. And the more this happens, the greater relief strugglers find, onwards to complete states of wellness. Poetherapy is under experimentation, but so far so good. 

Thanks to the Poetherapy Team in Uganda.

Keep the movement going!

A case for digital mental health services in Uganda

By  Jacob Waiswa Buganga, Wellness and Recreation Facility Kampala, Uganda Development and growth of cities, countries, and regions have cau...

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