Early preparation is something that the opposition political parties seem not to take care of. Instead, they go to party offices to take tea and ground nuts. In addition to its incumbent advantage, the NRM/O went ahead to announce the commencement of its 2011 campaigns to be June this Year (Muyita and Wanyama: 14th January, 2008), which is a pretty advanced step taken and an advantage added to incumbency.
A lot of political-party works have been limited more to rumor-mongering, press-conferences and office work than active mass mobilization or going down to the grass roots and engage people, more as a basis to measure performance than to fantasize.
But, NRM/O government was fast in bid to disable political parties, first, by carefully introducing politics of marginalization across public institutions –where recruitment would be on the basis of NRM/O cadre ship, defacing old political parties and now are de-tribalising Baganda to become Ja-luos using history facts. The present economic structures too do not favor individual input towards development of partisan politics as opposition members continue languish in poverty.
All these seem to have worked so well for NRM/O that they can now think of 4th, 5th to 20th elected term in office, as critics and potential distracters very soon give in after just moments of bimeeza –debating activity or sleep-off and forget by next general elections. This is what continuously makes the movement government really lucky. As for de-tribalisation, if it justified land reforms in favor of NRM/O, a lot of problems would safely by-passed as direct confrontation with
And it is at this level; of land conflicts or federal one that perhaps, makes Obote’s legacy to live on in the hearts of many –including President Museveni since he is facing the same pressure as Obote did and could be tempted to respond the same way if de-tribalisation by history invocation fails. The land issue is like a stormy river that would take superior powers to help NRM/O swim through to safety.
Nevertheless for political party development -with growing financial problems and political misery or disgruntled nature as vocalised by NRM/O, opposition political parties would improvise by making political alliances both locally and globally -for technical and financial assistance. It is believable that many organizations world over would be willing to support democracy and human rights when approached.
Unfortunately, selfish interests and lack of common nationalistic agenda still afflicts
Still, in
Even then, the "products" presented by opposition political parties could not easily “sale” due to the seeming fact that in Makerere University, one must have a combination of; lots of money, ability to movingly speak well, presidential outlook, handsomeness for the sake ladies’ section, and possession of an international character –since so many students fall in that category.
Without such indicators, opposition political parties seemed not to mean anything to
However, time will come when money factor would cease to influence Ugandan elections, when Ugandans then use miseries encountered and economic benefits gained to vote for either change or no change. Unfortunately to that regard, so many no longer trust the power of the vote. Voting and democratic processes seem to have lost meaning both; in the eyes of power holders and power makers (voters). The scenario could at certain time promote mal-governance unless hope -for free and fair results is aroused and sustained.
At local front, parties with inadequate resources in terms of electorate support and funding could seek to combine efforts with a more popular opposition party, so long as the main objective is similar. However, it is something that hardcore political party members would vehemently disagree to and result into total mess in already disorganized political opposition groups. Otherwise, split-ups in fight for votes would only and constantly give the incumbent a winning advantage, which require selfish-less strategic planning among opposition political parties while considering resource base, popularity and marketability in terms of “product” (candidate) presented as remedy.
Much as historical facts and nostalgia are good, these would act only as motivation while focusing on the current needs to transform a particular political party. The opposition political parties, first, need to be mindful of internal democracy right from organization of primaries (grassroots) elections before rushing to compete for national responsibility.
Of the political parties struggling to cope with the post-Museveni survival, is the Uganda People’s Congress (
Yet, history and achievement would only act as motivation to justify old-party’s coming to power again through mass-awareness and recruitment. If the older parties, of which the NRM/O now belongs, continue to ride on the past; what people have read and experienced, and what Ugandans are used to, newer parties would be set to flourish on their support. It would not, therefore, be surprising if a political party of yesterday (as People's Progressive Party (
Milton Obote, as Museveni made memorable trends in the history of
Unfortunately, the more we ride on their back, the more we would stop writing any history for the new generations to come. There must be a door-knocking generation to take over as Obama is trying to do in the
Still to note, living a life of the old and the dead would only stall social progress. Jesus Christ would be an exception since he died resurrected and still lives as will forever. With him, we could continue to follow but not for simple men as compared to him. Otherwise, with the nature continuous evolving as society revolves, older ideas would be phased away while more powerful and fresh ideas force their way to center stage in support of natural processes that respect only newer generations of people and of new ideas.
As a believer in the dynamic nature of society, a living Ugandan in the early and late 1990s could only be reminded by the Rwanyarare group impact on the politics of
So, as others celebrate certain revolutionary days,
Just last year
UPCs almost 99% elderly fans often frustrated the youth and pro-change ideas, internally. Instead, they (youth) were often branded NRM/O and possible spies until, perhaps, a number of the same 99% fell guilty when they crossed to the NRM/O side. They could have seen the party as a drowning ship where to individually survive; those riding in it had to jump onto a passing-by and speeding small boat.
As if to reinforce my argument further, Obote, who died a
Perhaps, what was left of the fallen
With such a trend, those who jumped from a drowning ship to a fast moving small boat could be blamed less as should those who went private rather than participate in the seemingly drama-play politics of the UPC. The NRM/O still shows interestingly natural survival tactics where instead of jumping onto a small passing boat for safety, members form newer groups but parented by the same old party (NRM/O).
The old parties as UPC, therefore, need to modify themselves with changing times and make timely adjustments in synchrony with steps taken by their counter-parts, the NRM/O party. They may need not to just critise throughout the day, but also, be keen to note down a few things that can be learnt from NRM/O. A lot of meetings and consultative workshops must be organized countrywide to review progress and adopt new next-days’ actions rather than plans. Above all, older parties must enthrone willing youths to take over from them, as they are more energetic, visionary and active in modern day politics while the elderly take on the advisory and story-telling role.
One aspect the revolutionary master missed out in his advice to Ugandan leadership was to first look out at the social structural differences and history as linked to political life destinies of
Jacob Waiswa,
Situation Health Analyst,