Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Is Christmas about Eating and “Being Eaten?"

Christmas is well known as a day Jesus Christ was born. On that day, Christians take a leave off work to celebrate Jesus' birth. A year's savings are channeled to making everyone feel the impact of the day -through attending to entertaining shows, sending greetings, going to shopping malls and buying lots of stuff and feasting -heavily.

It is a day -where for the first time in a year when the non-believers too associate themselves with some kind of religious sect and subsequently attend prayers. And, whoever might have felt worthy of a sinners' award would deem it time to reflect and possibly slow down.

The day is never left to Christians alone, there is a reasonable fraction that join the wagon and celebrate. To them, it may not necessarily have any spiritual connotation, but for the mere need to celebrate and enjoy life. Probably, the invitations made by their Christian friends could be the reason -too.

It is a planned day for doing the most exceptional, so people drink, eat, dance, sing and improve on their relationships. If they were doing them before Christmas, it then becomes a competitive race to go past the previous quantities, qualities and expenses in an increased manner.

And because there practices that they have engaged themselves over years, the trend becomes irresistible. Some people, because they can not afford the costs involved, theft would be the ultimate -to make the loved ones happy.

Others, because they are spending money after a long time of preparations, they will drink themselves off to death or assume risky sexual tendencies. And if the excitement goes past reasoning, it will be fate to decide.

On top of that, the “senseless” expenditures will leave no money at family's disposal to pay rent, school fees, transport bills and other household essentials. So family heads will yawn and feel agitated -and worse if he had a large family to look after, the African type. What will happen, again, if the fellow held a huge political position or a position in the treasury department?

The wise sections of society -who maybe taxi drivers, traders and hoteliers will take advantage of the day by even raising the prices. Obviously, irresistible buying will not sense that, but only call it an opportunity. If pushed so hard against the wall, the fellow would rather borrow to keep pace with the day's spirits' needs.

Depending on the kind of Christmas spirit (s) possessed, the person's state of wellness will be determined. The means always justifies the end. Whereas some will choose budgeting, balancing today and tomorrow, taking into consideration safety measures, other might ignore it all.

Jacob Waiswa
Situation Health Analyst

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