Showing posts with label Kasese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kasese. Show all posts

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Bodies of Kasese Messacre Victims Rotting and NRM-Killer Cowboys Say Have Nothing To Do About It!

cost of removing dead bodies not ours -Kaweesi, as usual.

hmm.. but successfully managed to incur the cost of termination of lives of people facing a long history of marginalisation and exclusion, and who had to pay the price by way of mass killings!? do we still have a human race within another that feel the duty to dictate over lifespan of weak, developmentally-least impacted and intellectually demanding population, instead of setting ways to peacefully transform them to a development level lived by most Ugandans!? and what are these cow-boy NRM rulers there for? to terminate lives of others like themselves are immune to deaths or will necer potentially meet the same fate as their victims, or otherwise leave no blood marks for their descendants to meet the costs of their actions!? is this a seed these people are eager to sow for themselves and the future of this country!? or is it the best seed from the said actions (seeds) of the alienated people of Kasese, who acted out of their historical position from the rest of the population and be heard!? if the same tactic of alienating citizens of Uganda continues across the country, as evident today; what will the future of this country hold!? and what sort of seeds are the NRM Cowboys sowing??? # Oh, moaning dead of people of Kasese, who are not only a human race, Ugandans, neighbors, friends, but 'organisms' too that deserve life, well enough as their terminators. may the natural law and justice take their course. and may the people of Kasese see a future when justice is perfectly done as the nature laws provide, that not even Katurebe can help adjust or even Kiggundu. For God and My Country.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Response to a Statement of the NRM Military Leader and Chief Architect of the Kasese Killings in Uganda

It has been great hearing from various commentators, analysts, and above all, reading a statement from the NRM leader about the theater of death - Kasese. Very informative and comprehensive. But these questions go to the NRM leader and chief architect of Kasese killing spree, as may be for the individual supervisors of these tragic events. Questions are hereunder:

Was, you conducting these killing exchange schemes the only alternative, and isn't in itself a seed planted for future 'handling' of those involved? is suppression sustainable success of your killing scheme??? true, information took long to give intelligence earliest on and initialize peace plan; had all means of peaceful settlement been exhausted, before opting for the killing game? had all the stakeholders been consulted and engaged, well knowing that your army had the means to keep the historical mass emotions in check, and that, given the understanding of your victims yet citizens of Uganda, and warring abilities or weaponry strengths were sharply dissimilar???? Won't the actions, as may be called, and rationale of the victims prompt questions about your own -actions and rationale???? Most importantly, again, haven't you just created another seed by sanctioning these killings that naturally has to grow into something for the future to witness? In these killings, doesn't make one party a master of death yet same history tells us many departed - leaving everything they had fought for behind? May the natural law and justice take their course and allow the value of peaceful coexistence and humility in the world that we all leave behind, rule as most supreme. For God and My Country

A case for digital mental health services in Uganda

By  Jacob Waiswa Buganga, Wellness and Recreation Facility Kampala, Uganda Development and growth of cities, countries, and regions have cau...

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