There are always alternatives, but the war culture in these people resisted. How can a weak person fail to negotiate if you have all the money, all the weapons, all the technical people -local and international, to consult and have a peace settlement! Do we care to take deep insights before or after the tragedy? We should be able to get unbiased answers, free from Egos! Surely, there is nothing inevitable, nothing Divine or natural about justification of Kasese massacres! Remember, we have had same massacres before in this country that help us understand how humans can stop being humans, deliberately and later unconsciously. There was much in common with the senseless killings in #SouthSudan. And somebody simply sits back, relaxes and be happy about that, as job well done? What a world! And, therefore, there are completely no justifications that can be imagined for the killings, unless there is something seriously wrong also with the person doing so. You know we all die for once and for good. It is not a holiday or leave from work. The fact that no one is immune to death should make us have a heart for others, show some love and care, and some empathy where sympathy fails! But that ease of conducting so much killings show something terribly wrong that must make everyone worry about the kind of people in our amidst and the future with them. If a sobber man is found fighting a drunkard, what difference does it make of the two? Even mad men and wild animals are tamed! These massacred victims are humans like those who claim to love their lives more, and were entitled to life and emancipation and become civil citizens that could live happily in peace with the rest of the Ugandans! Much us it is said that, a seed of violence has been planted by those massively killed, like for so many killings that have happened in this country, what happened in Kasese were new seeds planted of future killings, immediately after harvesting all those lives. Who know who the future killings could affect. Nothing prophetic about this! It is a natural law and justice! Architects are in 'good' moods about job 'well done', a victorious 'war' and 'worthy' for a professional soldier (a Noble protector and servant of the people) to 'die' for. Even war has rules that we didn't see in Kasese killings! What sort of soldiers does Uganda have!?? Are Ugandans safe!?? And what can they hold of the future??? Then, what message do we send to the rest of the World, that we operate in as a unit??? There is nothing surely to boast about, be proud about or to celebrate about these massacres, really! Who can you be to do that, like yourself you kill at will and have mandate to kill fellow humans with ease, as though oneself (killer) is immune to death at any other single moment? Really, we need to have some respect for life, humility before others (servant leadership, regardless) and show a difference between levels of civilisation and animal nature in us, much as we all have the elements to kill by our natural design. Let's be a little bit human for the beginning, at least. May the people of Kasese live to see the true judgement, justice happen and peace return to the land, country and region, already in fear or threatened!