Throughout history, young men have been used as the heart of political parties –acting as both young democrats and militant wing. Lately, women too went aboard. They sustained the political parties’ “lives” -while out of power and worked to celebrate with it in power.
Uganda, young people were critical in the struggle for independence. Through political parties like Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) and Kabakka Yekka (KY), they relentlessly advocated to free Uganda of foreign rule.
Their energetic selves and ability to risk helped in organizing and executing political rallies in the country side, and made strategic alliances that ensured success of the independence bid. Those who engineered the struggle were young charismatic Ugandan youth. They managed successful political rallies that readied Ugandans for independence.
In the pre-colonial times, the youth were providers of security to the community or kingdoms. Political parties today too could be banking on the youth to mobilize other others, rally majority support to it, and in protection of votes against rigging.
UPC had the youth league, while the rest Uganda People’s Movement (UPM) and Democratic Party (DP) -where themselves, the youth. Upon dissatisfaction from the 1980 elections, UPM and DP young men and women went to the Bush –fight UPC out of power.
And because of the youth power, among other things, UPM turn National Resistance Movement (NRM) and DP were victors in a war against an elected government of Late A.M. Obote, and together formed a government –famously referred to as broad-based government.
Perhaps, Busoga support for a young Kyabazinga could be of much value in as far as development and putting across kingdom pertinent issues is concerned. As a youthful Kyabazinga, he could want to see, for- example, all kingdom property controlled by it and helping register Busoga presence at local and international scene. And, at the same time uniting Busoga for development actions.
Kyabazingaship too should be able to attract foreign visitors -resultant from its influence. And signing and ensuring common protective policies with other kingdoms that would preserve the integrity of Busoga. This would be the true sense of the return and presence of tradition institutions in Ugandan rather than a mere conversation about it.
Unlike with the elderly politicians, who struggle to preserve status quo, for the youth would think and act for reform, rather than sit to “baby sit” hands. They would always want to search and experiment new political or leadership ideas and implement them to meet sky-rocketed visions. Also, they would be out and forth to defend their political party goals, and even want to sacrifice life in the process.
They would be highly strategic in either finding their way into government or consolidating political party’s rule. And they could want to do anything to that effect –be it rigging elections violence and intimidation, formation of coalitions, and power- sharing –in case of general elections.
Mass youth political pressure could be so powerful that no tear gas could easily break them down. They always have their country at heart -and are willing to struggle up to the last minute. 2011, for example, would come as an opportunity for political victory of the youth. This gives them an earliest period to take action. People say knowledge is power, but in this case, the youth are a power, and must exercise it.
But success of youth movements would also depend on the health organizational structures of their political parties -that answers questions about flexibility to changing times, whether it easily deals with external pressures or challenges, whether it has able widely acceptable leadership (internal democracy), whether it carries out periodical survey about its strength and carry out necessary checks, and above all; whether it is impermeable to allow the youth demonstrate their leadership potential
The DP is one party that relishes the youth as its vehicle into the future, voluntarily defend party goals, express and demonstrate their political rights -and on behalf of Ugandans -while, also, speaking for the voiceless. These unique features are no where in other parties. Most political parties in Uganda are comfortable with old folks and do anything to suffocate the youth’s influence.
The NRM that could follow DP in that regard is like a person who hosts a visitor, but does not allow him or her cross the door to a sitting room. Rather, chooses to have any entertainment with them, in the compound.
And the youth usually get come in response for war drums –when Kizza Besigye makes a shock political pose to the regime. Unlike DP –where youth act voluntarily, in NRM, they are paid. This is not sustainable. This, still, presents DP as the most youth friendly party. It is capable of taking its youth for a meeting as far as the bedroom.
For Forum for Democratic change (FDC), the youth presence therein is like in boxing –where after a long of one being undisputed champion as if no more challenger left, people get bored and begin disliking the whole state of affairs.
Luckily, one man stands up and says, “Come and see. Come on and support me. I am going to fight and defeat this man. Hey! Come and check out.” This is how the youth might have ended up in FDC.
It seems from the strategic alliance made shortly before independence, DP chaps thought nothing of value about it –whilst boasting of popularity in the mainly central Ugandan and some parts of eastern Uganda.
It seemed as though the thinking was that one -who was victor in central would take it all. The subject of coalitions, therefore, remains alien to them. It is no surprise, there fore, that they are now not subscribing to it.
On the other hand, where arms would involved, the youth are capable of wrecking havoc, terrorizing masses, triggering mass killings, maiming and raping, destruction of infrastructure and taking country to several years back from the current level of development. Observers say Uganda is over thirty years behind Malaysia and Indonesia in as far as their development levels are concerned.
Moreover, It would be more likely for young men to have unlimited power in the running of government. There fore, dictatorship could be more from them than out of youth category (elderly) -where a person with initially good intentions turns out to be oppressive and undemocratic.
He could expectedly suspend the constitution and rule by decree. Life presidency would, actually, begin here with the youth -and with nepotism, as though a monarch. It can be observed that future dictators might have taken the throne as youths. At this stage and with addiction to power along the reign, a return to democratic rule could be more a dream than reality. Anarchy and apathy could, then, be the ultimate.
They could be very unpredictable –who would with ease shift away from one ideology to another depending on what political youth peers or night dreams say. And implementation would be by decree.
The shift across political ideology by youths -whose political parties are out of power, could also as popular as to defect from one political party to another –where there is more youth friendliness.
The main worry with young people could be that they are opportunistic. Their ambitions are usually a combination of intuition, partly in response to adolescent changes –with desire for identity. Economic reason would be the other –something that has to do with need for employment. For them, they are always ready to take on the challenges and chances.
Waiswa Jacob
Community Psychologist
+256774336277 or 0754890614
Showing posts with label YOUTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YOUTH. Show all posts
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008

Development, as advancement in terms of quality of human life, is an automatic wish for everyone. Even animals do have a natural development sequence that is only threatened by environmentally aggressive and greedy man. It could have a long history of wealthy stature or strive for high social class.
While for a nation -it requires patriotism, national character or identity and citizenship, individuals need work values, having essential skills to run and manage projects -and adventuring in them.
Development-oriented work culture has always had a background support to development. Within it, people not only own satisfaction -without cheating on anyone else, but also, for the good of the community in which they live.
Countries like China have manifested such qualities on their way to becoming a world economic power. They have their country at heart and are proud to be Chinese. For a typical African living in Uganda, showing greed is the rule as soon as they assume positions of authority or office.
With globalization racing everyone away, greed, readiness stiff competition for personal and business goals has become a bold move –with nothing to be a shamed of in order to fit in the global village. People find themselves doing whatever it takes to achieve their numerous goals, regardless.
It is a system, where apart from providing an economic atmosphere for the global trends; government may not have an active hand in its people’s welfare, but for them, only to act with faith to overcome the dangerous effects of villagisation of the globe.
However, the kind of pressure has forced many into undignified acts of seeking bribes and involvement in dubious business as for the working class, and prostitution, stealing, impersonation, and reckless behavior by the unemployed.
And for the newly employed, life is centered around celebrating money pleasure through un-planned spending, luxurious living, and compensating for missed glory over time, and sex festivals -now that he or she earns some money to meet them all. Some of the behaviors here could be reckless especially if it is motivated by desire to meet long awaited dreams
As Professor Ali Muzrui put it, in one of his recent writings on Makerere University, globalization has out-raced institutions like this historic institution of higher learning (Makerere University Kampala). Moreover, bureaucracy and fear of even positive change remains the stumbling block.
While most reforms could be for the good of the nation, leaders and managers are rather insensitive about carrying them out. Instead, they fearlessly act against their own country or people –through showing lack of social responsibility and being unproductively to the ones they serve.
As if planning was not part of work and development, such things as it (planning) are for formality doing, but never followed. People, rather, like following their anti-people attitude, insensitivities and selfish interests.
And as would be expected in such a situation, the kind of culture developed never allows government to prioritize to key areas that need revamping like; health, research and education –as a whole. Yet, any development could be based on them.
Instead, emphasis is placed on how best to sustain the greed and siphon public funds. And because of their shielded positions no one says a word. If so, with reservations that show indispensability and are only treated carefully with hands in gloves. More so, relentlessly dispel any attempts that threatens status quo.
Future leadership and managerial accountabilities would rotate around hijacking private achievement of community members and own owning them as their own. Thereafter, hear claims emerge during general elections considering private developments as part of government successful programmes. There places one could visit, but with entirely private developments.
At the same general elections, citizens are hoodwinked to think power belongs to them, could seriously get enslaved by the thinking. The enslavement continues to favor leaders, while victimizing the electorate.
This, really, shows a great deal of dishonesty and disrespectfulness on the part of politicians. It could partly explain why the number of voters who go to polling stations has significantly declined. In future, as it has been, more people could choose to stay back with their families, eat, and sleep rather than waste time on opportunists.
During budget readings, all is made so political that Ugandans are not recognized for being hard-working and as part of the figures fronted. It can not just be government, but Uganda, who could be praised for the celebrated growth figures.
In what could be partnership, we see government as trying to stabilize the country peace-wise, while citizens work for developmental success. It would be best to call it a collaboration or social contract between government and its people to make common ends meet. That way, it would make sense.
But, there have been talks of no development for constituencies that send into parliament members of opposition political parties. It has for sometime been used as; both campaign threat and slogan during general elections. Yet, for sure, political inclination would not have been an indicator to development –with it being an all-embracing path in everyone’s life.
For Busoga, it has been different. In spite of giving the ruling regime almost 100% every presidential election, it has barely benefited from the annual growth figures. It must be noted that much of Busoga is remote and impassable.
If one traveled by private means, the vehicle could by any means end up in garage on returning back to Kampala. Mayuge alone, as a district, has no roads with tarmac! Unfortunately or fortunately, the people there (in Busoga) never want to present their problems as long as they converse whole day, sleep and drink.
It is not, therefore, surprising that Late Kayabazinga was part of the passive leaders in Busoga -in as far as solving Busoga’s economic problem. Actually, the president was right to call him a kind of Jesus, unlike his (Kyabazinga’s) counter-part in Mengo. And he was in the category of leaders that president Museveni wanted. It is could be likely that government de-tests politicians who tell the truth about their electorate and talk the same on its behalf whilst in parliament.
The reason was simple. The Kyabazinga was, well, selfless during his reign, able to fulfill the ceremonial stature of cultural kings as agreed with government, and cared less about championing Busoga development views.
He seemingly never wanted to bother government with Busoga concerns, much as the region had numerous problems and above all, was the failure to unite Basoga. In doing so, the region suffered like an orphan. In fact, soon the “kids” –prominent politicians began fighting each other. This, in turn, stalled areas’ development prospects at large.
Being ceremonial, meant that traditional rulers had to be idle just in the same way as opposition political parties. Government acted like; a person who hosts a visitor, serve him or her food and soon after orders the guest not to eat. Isn’t that as good as to never have hosted the visitor?
No wonder, many say he (Kyabazinga) politically sold Busoga to the NRM, while economically sacrificing it. And as anyone would notice, he had no impact on the Basoga as compared to Kabakka Mutebi reign in Buganda. Therefore, with or without kingship in Busoga everyday business would, still, have been normal.
As if to reinforce the point above, kingship business in Busoga is something that was copied from the surrounding kingdoms in Uganda –especially Buganda which was a local imperialist to it, then. So, as the saying goes, Busoga could not fit in the shoes of kingdoms like Buganda.
Elsewhere in Uganda, different areas have shown potential to develop with or without government support. This is evidenced in places in places like Kabalagala, Munyonyo, Ntinda and Nalya. Any claim that it was government responsibility, as the song is, could perhaps, mean ownership of such developments by either it or its officials, and that all Ugandans’ engagements –be it at night or day are government planned and monitored.
Besides, there could be some truth –having noted that while in China government instituted a one child policy, in Uganda some policies are imaginary liberal. Could this be the kind of consolidation of achievements that is famously talked about?
Could the question be the lack of morals as growing up children or overwhelming desires for power or status that is responsible for the political and economic fraud? The latter could make much sense because one can find people dying either upon retirement or because of pressure to perform well in office.
And it could be public knowledge that people are willing to do anything to keep their comfort zones. Do you always need to ask anyone whether or not is interested in keeping respectable position and highest in the land?
The other question could be: where in development are the youth? Having special interest group representatives to parliament is not enough –as their role benefits entirely themselves (the representatives).
Under the present structures, the youth, understandably, are not accommodated and matter less, if so, it is only at election time. But, being the most energetic force in a community, they need utilization. While if they are not taken care of, they would fade into acts of substance abuse and criminality.
As the situation implies, youth would only have to help themselves rather than wait for Christly government intervention. It would call for action planning and to participate in all channels for self emancipation.
Now that 2011 is beaming, chance must be taken by the youth to take on anyone for political office. It is a time for action of joining elderly folks in consulting of voters. In Kenya, there is already an on-going youth movement to take care of the youth values. The youth there believe they have not gained from the elderly class of politicians.
Are the youth in Uganda anywhere development-wise?
Under solidarity associations and political parties funding problem could easily be addressed. Meanwhile, talents and hobbies would be transformed into economically gainful activities for current survival. Working on small projects patiently with commitment to ones goals, skillfully dealing with health challenges, could bring up developmental surprises in a long run.
On the other hand we would need to commit some time to serving society that we wish to lead. A potential leader must, himself, be a servant. This would mean having to focus a little bit more on the long term plans that carry links to auxiliary business projects.
If is agro-based, fore-example, there must be a shop, restaurant, transportation business, milling, processing or semi-processing and export –as in the process one plans a shift to simpler means of making money. The rule here could be: to save or invest – either one at a time or both at ago.
Jacob Waiswa,

Development, as advancement in terms of quality of human life, is an automatic wish for everyone. Even animals do have a natural development sequence that is only threatened by environmentally aggressive and greedy man. It could have a long history of wealthy stature or strive for high social class.
While for a nation -it requires patriotism, national character or identity and citizenship, individuals need work values, having essential skills to run and manage projects -and adventuring in them.
Development-oriented work culture has always had a background support to development. Within it, people not only own satisfaction -without cheating on anyone else, but also, for the good of the community in which they live.
Countries like China have manifested such qualities on their way to becoming a world economic power. They have their country at heart and are proud to be Chinese. For a typical African living in Uganda, showing greed is the rule as soon as they assume positions of authority or office.
With globalization racing everyone away, greed, readiness stiff competition for personal and business goals has become a bold move –with nothing to be a shamed of in order to fit in the global village. People find themselves doing whatever it takes to achieve their numerous goals, regardless.
It is a system, where apart from providing an economic atmosphere for the global trends; government may not have an active hand in its people’s welfare, but for them, only to act with faith to overcome the dangerous effects of villagisation of the globe.
However, the kind of pressure has forced many into undignified acts of seeking bribes and involvement in dubious business as for the working class, and prostitution, stealing, impersonation, and reckless behavior by the unemployed.
And for the newly employed, life is centered around celebrating money pleasure through un-planned spending, luxurious living, and compensating for missed glory over time, and sex festivals -now that he or she earns some money to meet them all. Some of the behaviors here could be reckless especially if it is motivated by desire to meet long awaited dreams
As Professor Ali Muzrui put it, in one of his recent writings on Makerere University, globalization has out-raced institutions like this historic institution of higher learning (Makerere University Kampala). Moreover, bureaucracy and fear of even positive change remains the stumbling block.
While most reforms could be for the good of the nation, leaders and managers are rather insensitive about carrying them out. Instead, they fearlessly act against their own country or people –through showing lack of social responsibility and being unproductively to the ones they serve.
As if planning was not part of work and development, such things as it (planning) are for formality doing, but never followed. People, rather, like following their anti-people attitude, insensitivities and selfish interests.
And as would be expected in such a situation, the kind of culture developed never allows government to prioritize to key areas that need revamping like; health, research and education –as a whole. Yet, any development could be based on them.
Instead, emphasis is placed on how best to sustain the greed and siphon public funds. And because of their shielded positions no one says a word. If so, with reservations that show indispensability and are only treated carefully with hands in gloves. More so, relentlessly dispel any attempts that threatens status quo.
Future leadership and managerial accountabilities would rotate around hijacking private achievement of community members and own owning them as their own. Thereafter, hear claims emerge during general elections considering private developments as part of government successful programmes. There places one could visit, but with entirely private developments.
At the same general elections, citizens are hoodwinked to think power belongs to them, could seriously get enslaved by the thinking. The enslavement continues to favor leaders, while victimizing the electorate.
This, really, shows a great deal of dishonesty and disrespectfulness on the part of politicians. It could partly explain why the number of voters who go to polling stations has significantly declined. In future, as it has been, more people could choose to stay back with their families, eat, and sleep rather than waste time on opportunists.
During budget readings, all is made so political that Ugandans are not recognized for being hard-working and as part of the figures fronted. It can not just be government, but Uganda, who could be praised for the celebrated growth figures.
In what could be partnership, we see government as trying to stabilize the country peace-wise, while citizens work for developmental success. It would be best to call it a collaboration or social contract between government and its people to make common ends meet. That way, it would make sense.
But, there have been talks of no development for constituencies that send into parliament members of opposition political parties. It has for sometime been used as; both campaign threat and slogan during general elections. Yet, for sure, political inclination would not have been an indicator to development –with it being an all-embracing path in everyone’s life.
For Busoga, it has been different. In spite of giving the ruling regime almost 100% every presidential election, it has barely benefited from the annual growth figures. It must be noted that much of Busoga is remote and impassable.
If one traveled by private means, the vehicle could by any means end up in garage on returning back to Kampala. Mayuge alone, as a district, has no roads with tarmac! Unfortunately or fortunately, the people there (in Busoga) never want to present their problems as long as they converse whole day, sleep and drink.
It is not, therefore, surprising that Late Kayabazinga was part of the passive leaders in Busoga -in as far as solving Busoga’s economic problem. Actually, the president was right to call him a kind of Jesus, unlike his (Kyabazinga’s) counter-part in Mengo. And he was in the category of leaders that president Museveni wanted. It is could be likely that government de-tests politicians who tell the truth about their electorate and talk the same on its behalf whilst in parliament.
The reason was simple. The Kyabazinga was, well, selfless during his reign, able to fulfill the ceremonial stature of cultural kings as agreed with government, and cared less about championing Busoga development views.
He seemingly never wanted to bother government with Busoga concerns, much as the region had numerous problems and above all, was the failure to unite Basoga. In doing so, the region suffered like an orphan. In fact, soon the “kids” –prominent politicians began fighting each other. This, in turn, stalled areas’ development prospects at large.
Being ceremonial, meant that traditional rulers had to be idle just in the same way as opposition political parties. Government acted like; a person who hosts a visitor, serve him or her food and soon after orders the guest not to eat. Isn’t that as good as to never have hosted the visitor?
No wonder, many say he (Kyabazinga) politically sold Busoga to the NRM, while economically sacrificing it. And as anyone would notice, he had no impact on the Basoga as compared to Kabakka Mutebi reign in Buganda. Therefore, with or without kingship in Busoga everyday business would, still, have been normal.
As if to reinforce the point above, kingship business in Busoga is something that was copied from the surrounding kingdoms in Uganda –especially Buganda which was a local imperialist to it, then. So, as the saying goes, Busoga could not fit in the shoes of kingdoms like Buganda.
Elsewhere in Uganda, different areas have shown potential to develop with or without government support. This is evidenced in places in places like Kabalagala, Munyonyo, Ntinda and Nalya. Any claim that it was government responsibility, as the song is, could perhaps, mean ownership of such developments by either it or its officials, and that all Ugandans’ engagements –be it at night or day are government planned and monitored.
Besides, there could be some truth –having noted that while in China government instituted a one child policy, in Uganda some policies are imaginary liberal. Could this be the kind of consolidation of achievements that is famously talked about?
Could the question be the lack of morals as growing up children or overwhelming desires for power or status that is responsible for the political and economic fraud? The latter could make much sense because one can find people dying either upon retirement or because of pressure to perform well in office.
And it could be public knowledge that people are willing to do anything to keep their comfort zones. Do you always need to ask anyone whether or not is interested in keeping respectable position and highest in the land?
The other question could be: where in development are the youth? Having special interest group representatives to parliament is not enough –as their role benefits entirely themselves (the representatives).
Under the present structures, the youth, understandably, are not accommodated and matter less, if so, it is only at election time. But, being the most energetic force in a community, they need utilization. While if they are not taken care of, they would fade into acts of substance abuse and criminality.
As the situation implies, youth would only have to help themselves rather than wait for Christly government intervention. It would call for action planning and to participate in all channels for self emancipation.
Now that 2011 is beaming, chance must be taken by the youth to take on anyone for political office. It is a time for action of joining elderly folks in consulting of voters. In Kenya, there is already an on-going youth movement to take care of the youth values. The youth there believe they have not gained from the elderly class of politicians.
Are the youth in Uganda anywhere development-wise?
Under solidarity associations and political parties funding problem could easily be addressed. Meanwhile, talents and hobbies would be transformed into economically gainful activities for current survival. Working on small projects patiently with commitment to ones goals, skillfully dealing with health challenges, could bring up developmental surprises in a long run.
On the other hand we would need to commit some time to serving society that we wish to lead. A potential leader must, himself, be a servant. This would mean having to focus a little bit more on the long term plans that carry links to auxiliary business projects.
If is agro-based, fore-example, there must be a shop, restaurant, transportation business, milling, processing or semi-processing and export –as in the process one plans a shift to simpler means of making money. The rule here could be: to save or invest – either one at a time or both at ago.
Jacob Waiswa,
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