Again female genital mutilation (FGM) ceremony has been conducted successfully without any leader, or so called NGOs raising a voice. The Saturday Vision, 6th November, 2010, reported that 200 girls have been lined up in the districts of Bukwo and Kapchorwa for circumcision come, December 2010.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a shame on ‘the pearl of Africa` in the contemporary times! .This practice involves the removal of all or part of the female genetalia. The remaining flesh (outer lips) may then be stitched together in a procedure known as infibulations.
And small hole that allows menstruation and urination remains after infibulations, both intercourse and child birth will cause pain and young girls that undergo mutilation will never gain pleasure from sex. Others die in the process!
The penalty for a person caught practicing Female Genital Mutilation is 10 years sentence in jail and one that causes death of the young girl in same act faces life sentence. Traditional culture is not a substitute of human rights, it is the cultural context in which human rights must be established, integrated, promoted and protected.
Human rights must be approached in a way that is meaningful and relevant in the cultural context that ultimately yields lasting peace among the people. FGM is typical cultural violence, demeans society members, and causes stigma and discrimination all that breeds conflict and eventually wars.
It is upon the state by any means to directly intervene, not just to cause impressions by passing bills and watch as nationals continue to be agonised each other in the name of culture. According to the Bible, the disciples sailing on stormy water mass could not hold, they woke up Jesus and he calmed the storm (Mk 4:39)!
Where are the religious leaders? What about the civil society? Please call at a loud voice and have Uganda`s future leaders get saved from permanent shame and damage. The actors should know that peace does come from violent culture but from the hearts of the people ready to cause peaceful decisions to change society. To all Ugandans, it remains rather a contention of naivety to boast of peace in Uganda amidst such gross violation of human rights.
Last Saturday in a new vision report by Womakuyu Fredrick (December 4th, 2010 P.3), it was reportedly a fulfillment of that promise the elders made to the whole world that they would circumcise 200 girls; 120 girls were circumcised, and only 80 of the planned figure escaped. It is a pity, more so that a big chunk of today’s leadership is pursuing rounds of terms of service to keep culturally enslaved Ugandans in a life-threatening practice (FGM).
Unfortunately, most Ugandans never care –so long as it is other individuals affected. In a peace session of 30 participants discussing peace and in particular FGM, only two said the practice is an acceptable; the rest simply condoned it saying it was a cultural right.
Even when one of the two participants –who expressed bitterness about FGM put it clearly to the best education of participants that FGM was as bad as cutting off the whole penis of a man, they were, still, not moved.
The same happened for a long time regarding Karamoja –when most people justified their way of life –probably as a source of national income –through tourism. It is a struggle, which either caring Sabiny people, if there is any, the media, or international community must commit themselves to and help arrest the situation.
Otherwise, Uganda’s unrepresentative government, nursing only their prolonged stay in power and economic greed, very unreliable yet determined to keep the status quo cannot be entrusted anymore with lives of Ugandans –as was evidenced by events that have happened over a period of five to ten years.
The Incidents like the cult mass murders in Kanungu in 2000 –in which over 1,000 members of the movement for the restoration of the ten commandments ignorantly, without prevention mechanism in place of any kind by the state lost their lives; the September 11th, 2009 riots in which 30 unarmed civilians were massacred by security agencies; and the July 11th, 2010 terror attacks –in which over 76 Ugandans were killed. And in all such violence, government either did not warn the population or received outcomes as breaking news.
The same report by Womakuyu indicated that the UN Fund for population Activities allocated around $300,000 for FGM activities, but, until now, there is nothing on the ground to report about. So we observe a marriage of harmful corruption and harmful culture giving rise to traumatic conditions, and throughout the years until now a nation with no value for life, or rather too cheap to feel the losses and destructions it.
Even the patriotic program being fronted by the leadership is only aimed at dividing Ugandans further only to add on the lasting effects of individual merit politics once concretized by the same regime. Now people have been blinded-folded by ‘another rap’ more new promises without questioning those whose dates to materialize are as Christianizing as the coming of Christ promise.
Now if the leadership fails to show concern about life threatening scenarios like child sacrifice, jiggers, corruption in the health sector, rampant robberies and simple murders in the outskirts of the city; and Ugandans too fail, who shall be take the responsibility to intervene and stop the nonsense? Do not get surprised when the jigger-affected people –who have won international sympathy accept status quo by electing the same leadership to keep around national problems by 99% vote.
But responsibility begins with the individual, but the Saturday Vision report by Womakuyu showed that even FGM candidates can be ‘irresponsible’ by giving in the risky practice. For example, Alice Chemutai –who gave in to FGM, and after it she said, “I am happy I have become a woman by being circumcised. I will be able to do what other cut women do. I will now be able to climb into the granary or milk cows, which I was not allowed to do till now” is a good case.
When the cost-benefit analysis is brought into play to compare such a statement and the life-long impairment of the reproductive system, the cost beats any such culturally-assumed benefits. These are the issues NGOs –especially with reproductive health and human rights components need to outline during sensitisation programs if any.
Unfortunately, reports show that there is nothing on the ground despite funds inflow to support those programs. Of course, government or health ministry must not be mentioned here if the FGM must be redirected and uprooted out of the mental faculties of the affected communities. It is already evidenced that they can not deliver.
The questions remain: what is the role of the law enforcement agencies or the obligation of government to its people? Who do the leadership represent, or the technocrats? Could they be representatives of animals or themselves? Where are the policy makers and technocrats? Can leaders and agencies concern account for the funds they receive to run health, security, and human rights programs? Where is patriotism and who does it serve? Should field media men and women involve police on life-threatening matters –as a more proactive press?
Richard Rurangwa Byamukama and Jacob Waiswa
Conflict and Peace Centre, Makerere University
Showing posts with label In the Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label In the Media. Show all posts
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Dishma Inc. (Decision making and Situation Health Management -Incorporated) was founded in 2008 to give guidance for attainment of personal and community competitiveness in toughest times for human and ecological sustainable development. The basis of that were the ever-challenging human afflictions –resulting from poor interaction with the eco-system and decision-making.
Diseases, civil strive; suicide, misery, poverty and hopelessness were until now the order of the day. Dishma Inc., thus, came into existence to reduce the damage on both humans and environment through sustainable utilization of ecological resources and power of the mind.
Records from the prime ministers office show that, since 1979, drought and famine has affected over 3.2 million Ugandans annually. In 2007, floods adversely affected 2 million people, particularly in Teso sub-region and displaced 300,000 people, while in 1st march landslides in Bududa buried about 300 people and displaced 10,000 people. Yet, there were some other forms of disasters that included fires, accidents due to buildings and those involving vehicles, epidemics like Ebola, Hepatitis E, Influenza, Marburg, plant pests and diseases. Because of armed conflict between 1986 and 2006, close to 2 million people were displaced in the greater north. Climate change has led to drought, floods and diseases (office of the prime minister 2010:22).
In neighbouring Kenya , some 1,500 people were killed and another 300,000 displaced in a matter of weeks after the presidential polls in which President Mwai Kibaki was accused of having stolen the vote (Africannewslive, 2010).
The result of the 1991 UN-endorsed Gulf War was massive loss of lives only to serve the interests of a handful –Bush II and Blair. Moreover in March 2003, without authorization from the UN enshrined in article 42 of the charter, they went ahead to mentally and physically maim Iraq population (Halliday, 2005). Yet against all that, humanity needs a peaceful and predictable environment conducive for prosperity, and attainment of life dreams (peace, harmony and happiness) –when approaches to their achievement are holistic.
It provided the following services; change management, rehabilitation, community based interventions, mental health assessments, community emancipation, participation, and research initiatives and support –through productive networking and partnership development. Its operations are based in the country’s capital city, Kampala –from where it coordinates research and partnership concerns with sister organizations else where in the world.
Through the test of time, it made advancements to more aggressive journaling, public health development, monitoring and evaluation, capacity building and human rights.
Because of the tough economic challenges amidst so many projects to undertake, Dishma Inc. resorted to formulation of viable income generating projects. Some of these included; brokerage services, products and network marketing.
The income generated from the proposed business projects was meant to ensure sustainability of current project as well as to materialize new ideas in line with human and ecological development.
Dishma Inc. does not view the whole as only rotating around it but of abundant human resources to integrate its work with to make pursued for human and ecological development possible. It relishes working with every prosperity and peace-loving individuals to make the world a harmonious place for every one to live in. I hope this press release gives us an opportunity to interact more, share experiences, and further mutual and multilateral cooperation.
Waiswa Jacob
Dishma Inc.
- Mental Health Assessments
- Behavioral Change Administration
- Cultural Competence Training
- Career Guidance
- General Counseling
- Public Health Development
- Conflict Transformation
- Community-based Intervention
- Biographical Literature Compilation and Authoring
- Projects Design and Development
- Research and Reporting
- Public Relations Support

Saturday, April 11, 2009
New Hope Africa Children Ministries
P.O. Box 528, Busia-Uganda
The impression created by the media over years has been held with mixed feelings. Whereas some media corporate world are known to have positively helped transform societies politically, economically, culturally and technologically; some other have only torn the world apart through negative reporting that supports aggressive confrontation, glorifying terror activities to make eye-catching headlines with selfishly money motive.
Similarly, the aggressive, corrupt and oppressive groups and individuals (religiously, politically or economically) have been glorified in the way that sustains situation that steadily extinct some societies. Their content hardly provided or suggested solutions to alarm-triggering headlines. And much of the media activities have lacked a social responsibility that is tangible to give a voice to the voiceless and direct transformative opportunities to the poor, disabled and other disadvantaged groups.
Journaling is a key communication tool. All organisms by nature communicate either verbally or non-verbally, yet attempting to make sense of whatever cues that are exchanged or evaluated.
True; we tend to be evaluative of one another whilst trying to figure out what intentions the other party could have towards you. The aim can be to help measure up the relationship that possibly could be developed, whether health or not.
Of course, in certain encounters some people could be threatened, suspicious, lack confidence, defensively withdraw or get on well in a healthy and rewarding relationship. This, indeed, is how communities can influence attitudes and behavior towards one another. That way, we could manage, control and direct directs and behavior. What a powerful tool a pen can be!
But success through journaling it self needs a period of training and practical experience, such that we can communicate to effectively make or unmake relationships or evolve life through the aspects of observing, reading and listening to words and actions of others and things.
The primary motivators to writing is the element of having an opinion yet unique. As part of research steps, one would be required to publish a final report or summarized article from the investigations, results and analyses carried out. Other researchers or students would want to review literature about statements pending investigation. From their successes, investigators either get awards or promotion.
Needs Statement
Media, being a vessel for global change, needs to be developed both at individual and corporate level, and experience provided for enthusiastic young people so as to contribute towards poverty eradication, health, human rights and democratic governance, conflict resolution and peace and care for the vulnerable groups and their development.
Main Objective
To neutralizing human and ecological problems as abject poverty, wars and war threats, nuclear activity, diseases, ignorance and global warming –to make a world a better place for everyone to live in.
Specific Objectives
1) Promote of peace, human rights, initiatives for conflict resolution, and democratic governance
2) Empower young people to take on developmental challenges (career, educational, health, economic and political) with enthusiasm to ensure certainty of the future.
3) Encourage innovations and adoption of appropriate technologies to support local community development initiatives in an environmentally-friendly manner.
4) Support the physically and mentally handicapped, the elderly, widows and orphans through suitably designed and adoptable rehabilitation programmes to attain dignifying and meaningful lives.
1) Effective communication at well organized fora through an effective system of monitoring and evaluation.
2) Net-working and publishing to fill knowledge gap and mobilize resources.
3) Development-oriented music, dance, drama and cinema shows, and video recordings for knowledge and skills training.
4) Volunteer technological transfers and exchanges for human and ecological security
Focus Area
Changing lives of the poor, handicapped (mentally and physically), other vulnerable groups in communities and environment education through the media
Significance of Project
Empowered communities: technologically, politically and economically able to determine their future, dignified living and, global peace, global justice, global unity and habitable world.
New Hope Africa Children Ministries
P.O. Box 528, Busia-Uganda
The impression created by the media over years has been held with mixed feelings. Whereas some media corporate world are known to have positively helped transform societies politically, economically, culturally and technologically; some other have only torn the world apart through negative reporting that supports aggressive confrontation, glorifying terror activities to make eye-catching headlines with selfishly money motive.
Similarly, the aggressive, corrupt and oppressive groups and individuals (religiously, politically or economically) have been glorified in the way that sustains situation that steadily extinct some societies. Their content hardly provided or suggested solutions to alarm-triggering headlines. And much of the media activities have lacked a social responsibility that is tangible to give a voice to the voiceless and direct transformative opportunities to the poor, disabled and other disadvantaged groups.
Journaling is a key communication tool. All organisms by nature communicate either verbally or non-verbally, yet attempting to make sense of whatever cues that are exchanged or evaluated.
True; we tend to be evaluative of one another whilst trying to figure out what intentions the other party could have towards you. The aim can be to help measure up the relationship that possibly could be developed, whether health or not.
Of course, in certain encounters some people could be threatened, suspicious, lack confidence, defensively withdraw or get on well in a healthy and rewarding relationship. This, indeed, is how communities can influence attitudes and behavior towards one another. That way, we could manage, control and direct directs and behavior. What a powerful tool a pen can be!
But success through journaling it self needs a period of training and practical experience, such that we can communicate to effectively make or unmake relationships or evolve life through the aspects of observing, reading and listening to words and actions of others and things.
The primary motivators to writing is the element of having an opinion yet unique. As part of research steps, one would be required to publish a final report or summarized article from the investigations, results and analyses carried out. Other researchers or students would want to review literature about statements pending investigation. From their successes, investigators either get awards or promotion.
Needs Statement
Media, being a vessel for global change, needs to be developed both at individual and corporate level, and experience provided for enthusiastic young people so as to contribute towards poverty eradication, health, human rights and democratic governance, conflict resolution and peace and care for the vulnerable groups and their development.
Main Objective
To neutralizing human and ecological problems as abject poverty, wars and war threats, nuclear activity, diseases, ignorance and global warming –to make a world a better place for everyone to live in.
Specific Objectives
1) Promote of peace, human rights, initiatives for conflict resolution, and democratic governance
2) Empower young people to take on developmental challenges (career, educational, health, economic and political) with enthusiasm to ensure certainty of the future.
3) Encourage innovations and adoption of appropriate technologies to support local community development initiatives in an environmentally-friendly manner.
4) Support the physically and mentally handicapped, the elderly, widows and orphans through suitably designed and adoptable rehabilitation programmes to attain dignifying and meaningful lives.
1) Effective communication at well organized fora through an effective system of monitoring and evaluation.
2) Net-working and publishing to fill knowledge gap and mobilize resources.
3) Development-oriented music, dance, drama and cinema shows, and video recordings for knowledge and skills training.
4) Volunteer technological transfers and exchanges for human and ecological security
Focus Area
Changing lives of the poor, handicapped (mentally and physically), other vulnerable groups in communities and environment education through the media
Significance of Project
Empowered communities: technologically, politically and economically able to determine their future, dignified living and, global peace, global justice, global unity and habitable world.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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